Sunday, 29 June 2014


The plural, in many languages, 
is one of the values of the grammatical category of number. 

  1. Until now, 
  2. have been trying to reduce 
  3. the amount of regrets in my life.

  1. For important decisions about my life, 
  2. make them based on my own opinion.

    1. I think 
    2. my number of regrets is not that much 
    3. compared to that of other people, fortunately.
    1. So there are quite a few things 
    2. that I have to do during the next six months.
    1. Secondly, 
    2. I will meet with friends and acquaintances whom I know.
    1. have been able to make many friends of every nationality in each country
    2. because I was able to make friends with them in Australia.
    1. Thirdly, 
    2. if my parents and family members are still alive,
    1. I will spend time writing to them and 
    2. expressing my gratitude for their love.

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