Sunday, 18 May 2014

G025_⦅Articles | Using “a” or “the” - Basic⦆ Basic principles of grammar 【Tambaboon English Grammar Lab】 英文法 英語

Example sentence
Please pass me the salt.

English grammatical rules

The article “a”
  1. use with a non-specific noun; or
  2. when you have never talked about this with the listener 
  3. (no shared knowledge between the speaker and listener or reader and writer)
  • “I bought a bicycle today!”
You never talked about this bicycle with the listener before 
(no shared knowledge between the speaker and the listener)
  • “I took a workshop today on web design.”
This is news to the listener. They had never discussed this workshop before.


The article “an”
  1. Use “an” instead of “a” 
  2. before a word that starts with a vowel or a vowel sound.
  • “I bought an apple.”
  • “An hour of studying a day is all it takes to learn English!”
Note: Hour starts with a consonant “h”. 
But because the “h” is silent, it is pronounced with a vowel sound [owr]. 
Therefore, “an” is used instead of “a”


The articles “the”
  1. Use “the” with a specific noun, even if never discussed between speaker and listener; or
  2. The speaker and listening have already discussed this thing (they have shared knowledge)
  • “I bought the bicycle today!”
Speaker and listener know about this bicycle and have previously discussed it 
(shared knowledge).
  • “I took  the workshop today on web design.”
Speaker and listener already talked about / already know about this workshop 
(it is shared knowledge between the speaker and listener).
  • A good idea is all I need to start the new business.”
Speaker and listener have previously discussed the idea of a new business 
(it is shared knowledge between the two).

If they had never discussed a new business, 
she would say, “A good idea is all I need to start a new business”.

When talking about something generally (non-specific) / no shared knowledge = use “a”
When talking about a specific noun / shared knowledge = use “the”



不定冠詞 ( a, an ) と、定冠詞 ( the ) がある。


不定冠詞とは a や an のことで、5つの意味がある。

A&The-01: 一つの

I want a pair of socks.

He waited his friends for an hour.
※ hour は h から始まる単語ですが、母音から始まる発音なので an にします。

A&The-02: ある~


A boy is standing by the post.

A&The-03: ~につき、~ごとに

They go trip five times a year. 

She takes piano lessons twice a week.

A&The-04: ~というもの

A bird flies in the sky.

A&The-05: ~という人


We had a call from a Mr. Brown.



定冠詞とは the のこと。4つの意味を紹介。

A&The-06: 既出の名詞を表す場合

すでに話題にあがり、何を指しているのかわかる場合は the をつける。「その」と訳す。

I bought a book.

The book was interesting.

A&The-07: 話題にはでてないが特定できる場合

初めて使用する場合でも the を使う。

Please pass me the salt.

A&The-08: ただ1つしかないもの

太陽や地球など、1つしかないもの(必ず特定できるもの)には the をつける。

the sun (太陽)
the earth (地球)
the left (左)
the west (西) 等

A&The-09:  ~の人

「~ people」というかわりに、「the ~」という場合がある。

young people = the young (若い人たち)
old people = the old (年配の人たち)


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