Thursday, 9 May 2013

L241_IES062_Is air travel important in your country? 【Tambaboon English IELTs Lab Sydney Australia】

I think air travel is very important for Japanese.
  1. I think air travel is very important for the Japanese.

The characteristic of almost of all Japanese is time consuming and very punctual.
  1. A trait of almost of all Japanese people is 
  2. that they spend their time well and 
  3. are very punctual.

We tend to reduce and cut any useless time.
  1. We tend not to waste any time.

We are thinking speed is very important for a business.
  1. We think speed is very important for business.

Air travels can reduce our transport time compared to car or train.
  1. Air travel can reduce our transport time 
  2. compared to using a car or a train.

We can move from Osaka to Tokyo by car or train.

However, air travels can reduce the transportation time dramatically.
  1. Moreover
  2. air travel can reduce transportation time dramatically.

Therefore, busy business man prefer to use plane.
  1. Therefore, 
  2. busy businessmen prefer to use a plane.

* Conversely, we are impatient people.

We might ought to relax more and make priority to quality of slow life.
  1. We ought to relax more and prioritize living a slower pace of life.

I really like Australian environment because everything is slow and relax.
  1. I really like the Australian environment 
  2. because everything is slow and relaxed.

They don't care small things and small delay.
  1. They don't care about small things and small delays.

They will enjoy the period of moving of car or trains even if it is long compared to air travels.
  1. They enjoy traveling by car or train 
  2. even if it is long compared to air travel.

iMindMap Trial

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