I think a manager have to think the his or her team as number one priority thing.
- I think a manager has to think of his or her team as the number one priority thing.
- I think that a manager's first responsibility is to his or her team.
To have a thought of ''team'' is very important for manager.
- Being teamwork-oriented is very important for a manager.
- The idea of working together as a team is fundamental.
Also an idea of ''team member'' is significant for manager.
- Also the idea of ''team member'' is significant for a manager.
- A good manager understands the value
- that each team member brings to the team.
If a manager has ideas of ''team'' and ''team member'' related his or her decision, his opinion should be respectful.
- If a manager has their own ideas of teamwork
- that influence his or her decisions, their opinions should be respectful.
- Respect for the team and for each team member should guide the manager's decisions.
Of cource, to have strong vision to future or to have good listening skill also important.
- Of course,
- having a strong vision for the future and
- having good listening skills is also important.
- Of course,
- a good manager
- should contribute a clear vision of the future, and
- should listen carefully to others.
However, I think to have or not a mind of team and team member is the most important characteristics.
- However, I think being teamwork-oriented is the most important characteristics.
- But ultimately,
- the strength of a manager lies in the cohesion of the team.
- Anyone who realises that will be a successful manager.
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