Anime Anime Japan Ltd reported this story on February 18, 2014.
Translated by The Asahi Shimbun from the website of Anime Anime Japan Ltd.Statement analysis
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of “Godzilla,” Toho Co. has updated its official portal site and is offering brief introductions of all 28 titles of the monster movie series for fans.
The anniversary will be celebrated with the releases of the new Hollywood remake of the series and the first digitally remastered version of the original “Godzilla,” which first hit theaters in 1954.
- To celebrate the 60th anniversary of “Godzilla,”
- Toho Co. has updated its official portal site and
- is offering brief introductions of all 28 titles of the monster movie series for fans.
- The anniversary will be celebrated
- with the releases of the new Hollywood remake of the series and
- the first digitally remastered version of the original “Godzilla,”
- which first hit theaters in 1954.
of, relating to, or of the nature of an icon.
an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening.
a person, typically a child, who is rude or badly behaved.
a thing or animal that is excessively or dauntingly large.
【名-3】大ベストセラー、記録的な売り上げをおさめた商品◆CD、ビデオ、DVD など
Anime Anime Japan Ltd. (2014). Godzilla website updated for 60th anniversary of iconic monster. Available:
Last accessed 2nd May 2014.
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